Dusting Tips and Tricks: How to Dust Like a Pro

Let’s face it.  Most of us don’t love dusting.  It’s not our favorite pastime, we didn’t major in dusting in college, and we don’t invite our friends over for dinner and dusting.   When it’s time to dust, you’ll probably want to be prepared with some tricks that will make it a little easier.

Here are a few dusting tips to clean your home (almost) as well as a Salt Lake City maid service.


Make a pledge to ditch the pledge.  

Using wood polisher can actually leave an icky buildup behind on your furniture.  Use a dry microfiber cloth to dust.  If you have any buildup on the furniture, try wiping first with a damp cloth and then drying with a microfiber afterward.


Think outside the dusting box.

Don’t ignore the hard to reach places.  Grab a (clean) paintbrush to get the dust out of nooks and crannies in ornate decorations, lampshades, and tight corners.  You can also use Q-Tips to wipe out anything that is left behind.


Dust from top to bottom.

Door frames, ceiling fans, light fixtures, and tall shelves should be dusted before other furniture. Don’t forget to dust the blinds before you wipe down the window seal.  Gravity will double your dusting workload if you go out of order.


Use your vacuum to your advantage.

Vacuums aren’t just for floors anymore.  If you have a buildup of dust on baseboards or inside cabinets, you can use your vacuum to get most of it up before you wipe things down. Using the vacuum prevents dust from sloshing up into the air only to settle somewhere else in your room.  (Doubling your workload again!)


If your house feels dustier than a spaghetti western duel, it may be time to hire a Salt Lake City house cleaning service.  After all, the best way to ditch dust like a pro is to actually let the pros dust your home!  Give Green Envy Maids a call today!  (801) 783-3314


Salt Lake City Maid Service